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Thursday, January 04, 2007

A Boring Post, but an Update Nonetheless!!!

Okay, I've been such a bad blogger lately. Some of your kids still aren't back to school, yet I still see you out there in blogland.

Sigh. I know, I know. Enough with the excuses.

I just can't seem to get back on a schedule yet. I did start a diet and I am back to the gym. I've kept up with finishing my critiques for my CP's, but I haven't written a word of my new book and I haven't blogged.

Still haven't figured out how to put music on the psp, so I'll have to take Manic up on her offer to show me how. I just haven't had time to call. Hmmm, I might have to have her email me the steps.

I haven't touched base with my agent since the holiday, so as far as I know, we haven't heard anything yet from the first round of editors we targeted. Although, I'm sure most of them haven't had a chance to read anything, since, hello, it was the holidays!!

This waiting game is killing me!!!!

I need to quit making excuses and just start writing again. Like I said, I need a schedule to function properly. But first, I need to take my daughter to the doctors. She's had a cold for 11 days now. No other symptoms, no fever, just a cold. Still, it has now passed the 7-10 day cold mark, so off to the doctors it is.

Not much else to report since I haven't DONE anything fun or worthwhile.


Anonymous said...

YAY!! You posted!!! I'm not quite back into my routine yet either...but I'm trying. I figure by next week I should be good to go. DH has to make a trip for a few days. (YAY!) I feel your pain sister. We love them dearly, but when we're used to the travel and they are home for 2 weeks straight, I always feel like saying "don't you have to BE somewhere??"

Hang in there!!!!

Kari Lee Townsend said...

I feel like all I'm doing is whining these days. I really will be funny again soon, I promise.

Danielle Bronson said...

Hey Kari and friends!

Kellan my two year old has had the same cold for two weeks. Its that annoying, drippy nose, sometimes coughing bug that will not go away. It sucks. See you all Saturday!

Kari Lee Townsend said...

Yay, you're going to the meeting. Can't wait to see you all again!!!

Anonymous said...

I think that you'll hear something soon. Editors probably weren't doing a whole lot of reading and responding during the holidays. I need a schedule any schedule. I have none and I really need to write...

Lexi said...

You'll get back to it when you're ready. Don't worry.

Kari Lee Townsend said...

That's awesome news, Amanda. Hopefully something great will come of it.

God, I hear you, Gwen. I need to write soon.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! Here's to your daughter getting healthy again and you returning to a happy blogging routine :)

1 plus twins said...

hope your daughter gets better soon. i am in the same boat as you, just can't get into the groove plus my kids are still home. i can't even get into posting like i used to. here is hoping you find the inspiration you need to get back on track and when you find it send it my way. lol

LZ Blogger said...

Looks like the writer's block is UNBLOCKED? As for the diet... JOIN the club! (it's that time of year)!~ jb///

Anonymous said...

welcome back!!

Anonymous said...

You'll get back in your writing groove soon--until then, enjoy this little break!

Hope your daughter gets to feeling better. Colds are no fun.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I sooo hate getting off schedule too, is this a function of needing to control everything as a Mom cause if it you don't it all gets really crazy?? I don't remember being like this...

Good going on the diet, me too...


Anonymous said...

Hey Kari - The nine year old knows how to do music on the psp - he'll help you.

Frannie Farmer said...

I hear ya on your whining comment. I think that is why I have a hard time posting .. I feel like it's the shame sh&t, different day thing .. who wants to read that?
But, you - you are NEVER whiny! I love reading your blog!

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Awww, I hope your daughter's feeling better.

And I will email you my phone number again so we can talk PSP stuff. I can totally walk you through the whole freakin' thing. However, I think we may need to both pop open a bottle (Pinot for you, Chardonay for me) to get us through the tutalage... OH WAIT, I'VE STOPPED DRINKING FOR THE NEW YEAR!... At least until we go to Mexico Feb. 3. How the hell am I going to lose 20 lbs before then? Oh yeah, quit drinking and eating... no prob.

OK tangent over. I hope your daughter feels well enough to get back to school!

And check out the post I wrote on Yahoo about how you should apply to be a speaker at NJRW next year! Seriously!

Kari Lee Townsend said...

Aw thanks, Frannie. And Manic??? No drinking??? At all??????

I've cut back to weekends only until we leave for Florida Feb 14th. And 20 pounds is what I need to lose, not you!!!

Kari Lee Townsend said...

Hey, I finally switched to beta blogger and it all worked great.

Except.....some people who posted are now anonymous instead of their names. Any idea why?? Anyone???

Angel said...

You're back! I 've missed you!

I'm sure you'll get back to it after the kids get out of your hair!

xxxx said...

Waiting is the hardest part, isn't it? Hang in there!

Kari Lee Townsend said...

Yay, Beth has a picture. You're so cute!!!! I've gotta run to my chapter meeting today, but I plan to post a new post either tonight or tomorrow for sure! I'm on a roll. Finally getting back into the swing of things.