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Monday, December 04, 2006

Link Me, Baby!!!

Like my husband always says, "Blog me, Baby."

I FINALLY linked all my blogger friends.

Please let me know if I forgot someone. So many of you have been really awesome and linked me to your blogs. I've been remiss in giving you the same courtesy. But I did it today!!!! I love seeing your names over there, and it will be easier to check yours out more often.

And......I've been tagged by Beth -
and also by Ramblin Rose -

(not sure how to link their names other than putting their whole address up, but it still works) Anyway, I'm supposed to say 6 things that are weird about me, then tag 6 other people. I've already done 5 things you didn't know, so now I have to do 6 weird things. How do I narrow it down, there are so many;)))

I'll have to think on that and come back to add them. So check back and I'll add them later today.


cubmommy said...

Hey, Thanks for linking me that is really cool!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link :-)

The Dummy said...

The weirder, the better!

Trish Ryan said...

Thanks for the link :) It reminds me that I need to figure out how to do that. Right after I work up the courage to jump into Beta Blogger...

Mr. A said...

Looks like I owe you a link


On my way!

JT said...

I could name 6 weird things about you! Wouldn't be a problem...

Drewpy Drew said...

You like me! You really like me!

TTQ said...

Thanks for the link and the final push to update MY links which is long overdue, so while it is quiet in blogland the past few days, I'll be updating my page

Kari Lee Townsend said...

Yes, Drew, I really like you. I really like all of you!!!!! And Jen, you could find more than just 6 weird things, I'm sure. But heads up, I"m tagging you, so look out, baby!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for linking me! I shall return the favor.

If you need weird things, you can borrow some from my wife. She doesn't blog. Nobody will know.

MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

Hey Kari, and how bad am I that I don't have Snark Fest up on my sidebar even though I click on you three or four times a day! (Doesn't it feel good?)

Anyway, here's the code for links within your post:


where it says LINK, just type in Manic Mommy. Where it says ADDRESS HERE, just type in

Just for an example.

Save that link somewhere so it's easy to grab when you create a post. I figured out a way so that every time I open a new page to post, that link is copied into the body of that page so if I need it, it's right there.

ANd ya know what? I'm sure there's an even easier way than what I have just 'tried' to explain.

Love your blog baby; keep it real!

And it's so awesome to see all those other bloggers I love on your sidebar and commenting. I mean, I knew the Dummy when he was still in search of his honey! And I knew Cubmommy (live and in person, mind you!) before she got knocked up! LOL, and shout out to the Trish gals too! And can't forget Drew! And TTQ, and your pal Jen - T, and I don't know Annoyed or dorky dad but I think I'm winning the stupidest comment award right here and now!

xxxx said...

I need to update my links too ... BADLY!

A lot of times I just type in the links manually. Sometimes it's just as fast. You do it like this:

Snark Fest

Web address in between the quotes; name of website in between the brackets.

xxxx said...

Of course that didn't work.

Try this: (a href="")Snark Fest(/a). Only sub brackets for the parentheses.

I'm sure I'm just confusing you now :)

Kari Lee Townsend said...

Thanks Manic and Swishy. Yup, I'm just as confused, but that's okay. I'll play around and figure it out.

March2theSea said...

i am gonna add you now as well..thanks for the link.

I can help w/doing links as well..lemme know and I can email you some easy steps.

Thanks for the link..time to return the favor!


Gwyneth Bolton said...

I need to figure out how to do the links. I want links on my blog!

And like, Jen, I think I could come up with six weird things about you.

Oh, and you better not tag me. :-)

Kari Lee Townsend said...

I'm sure you could, Gwen. Can't believe I'm having a hard time narrowing some down. STill thinking.

And March to the see, email me with the tips.


Barbie Jo Mahoney said...

Oh CRAP! You just reminded me that you tagged me quite a while ago....yikes! which probably means you'll tag me again just to be mean and nasty! *damn* oops, can I swear on your blog??? sorry mom and dad, it just slipped out!

I want links too!!!! wah, wah, wah... I've had faarr too much starbucks today.

6 wierd things, huh??? be afraid of the very afraid...

Anonymous said...

Hi Kari,
Thanks for linking me...I desperately need to update my own list. Any day now...

Can't wait to read the 6 weird things...

kim said...

The new link list is here! The new list is here -- I'm somebody now!

I feel special :o).

Frannie Farmer said...

Hey, thanks for the link. I am working on that ...