Didn't we just have a looooong vacation????? I love my kids but the last thing I want is for everyone to be home. Ugh!!
Anyway, since I can't go anywhere, I have a bit more time. Who cares if they are killing each other and the house is being trashed, I'm in the mood to share.
Okay, so I'm not just in the mood to share, I'm in the mood to redeem myself. Why, you ask? Because a certain Ms. Sharpienator posted a really, really bad picture of me and Barbie over on The Fly Girls blog. I mean, I'm talking scary, freakazoid bad! That's enough to make me stick to my diet for the rest of my freaking life!
So, have you guessed who Ms. Sharpienator is? Come on, you know who I'm talking about. That's right, Jen-T. But don't worry, I WILL get her back when I post next week.
Anyway, on to redeeming myself and back to the point of I'm in the mood to share. Here's a picture of me 7 pounds lighter since the holidays. This no carb thing is really working, and getting my big ole butt to the gym, and the fact that the antibiotic I just finished wouldn't allow me to have so much as a sip of alcohol! Yeah, yeah, I had a feeling it was the wine. A little too much pinot and a whole lot of goodies. Sigh! Getting older with a slowing metabolism really sucks. What happened to the days where we could eat anything and not gain an ounce. The
really frustrating part is that my hubby and my kids are that way. Ugh!!! Anyway here's
my redeeming shot with 19 more pounds to go before I head to Florida exactly 5 weeks from today!!!! Will I make it??? You'll have to stay tuned to see.
And since I'm in the mood to share, here's where I work every day. My hubby and I have a joint office right now. He's neat, I'm not. Not that I'm not organized. I know exactly where all my stuff is, but he can't stand the clutter. So he's turning that room into a guest bedroom and building an office for me and another one for himself down in the basement. I really only keep my stuff in there anyway. I usually write on my laptop at the dining room table. So here I am in my workspace.
Still in the mood to share. Here's my hunky hubby whom I always talk about and poke fun at goodnaturedly. This is two years ago on our 15th anniversary on a cruise in Alaska. My scanner didn't work so I took a picture of this picture with my camera, so it's a little blurry.
Here we are again on the same cruise. That's me with much shorter hair and highlights. Yeah, I know. I need a new look.
And since I just can't help it, they are too cute. I HAD to share this year's christmas card photo. Now you see why they keep me so busy!!!!!! Okay, I'm done. Have a good one;)))
Show off!
Nice family! Not a big Steeler's fan though...
Hey, I HAD to show off after that nasty, nasty picture. You forced my hand!!!
And I don't have a choice in this house, Jocular. It's be a Steelers fan or get out;))
Frannie, if you stop by, I just wanted to let you know I tried to comment on your new post, but blogger kept saying url not found. So I commented on the post below. Maybe it's just my computer.
Cool pics! And yes, I'd have to say you redeemed yourself from the jammie-shot!
I liked the highlights in your hair. maybe you should get more, just not quite soo blonde? it really brightened you face. What kinda hair do, though.... hmmm.... that could be a whole nother blog topic!!
I like highlights too, but they are just too expensive. Maybe just a color not so dark. Hubby doesn't like it that light either. No clue what hairdo, but I'll sure post a picture when I figure that one out.
Oh my god! You are so stinkin cute!!!
And I love the kids! Ya, I can see why they keep you so busy. Now, go clean up all that blood, cuz I know if they're anything like mine, there will be bloodshed somewhere!!
Oh, and I don't see where you need to lose any weight look good to me!
Great pictures...
Love the 'tude on the oldest boy's he a handful? My oldest is a handful.
good looking bunch!
Actually my oldest is the easiest. He was difficult as a baby, but now he's my by the book no rules breaker. He can be a pain at times, but so can we all.
Now my duaghter is queen of the "tude"!!!!!!!!!
Come on you look great! You have a very cute family!
I love the pics Kari. You should psot some on the Fly Girls when it is your turn!
Your family is adorable! I don't know if I could handle three boys though--two is plenty for me!
A new office will be great!
I think I could party with your kids. Go Steelers!!!! Life as it should be. Be a Steelers fan or get out.
Pretty pictures! Looking good, girlfriend and the kids are so precious!
OOOH! I LOVE These pictures! And you are just way tooo cute! I thought the photo on Fly Girls was a fun jammie shot--not bad at all!
SEVEN POUNDS already!!! I am doing points and busting my ass at the gym, but man, I am in trouble! We leave for Cabo in 24 DAYS!
I am so screwed.
Oh, and I forgot--the kids are BBBB---UUUU---TTTT-FUL!
ANd hubby's pretty hot himself! You should share more often! ; )
Go Bills!
Barbie - I could give Kari Highlights!
Manic - Kari's husband prefers me! Snort. He just likes the dirty e-mails I send him.
Manic, you always look good. And, yeah, the hubby's a keeper. Then again, so is yours. I was going to do the points because I think in the long run it's the better way to go, but no carbs is definitely fast. And right now, I need fast!!!!
And Jen, hubby loves you;)))
I knew you'd like the Steelers pictures, Drew.
Right back at ya, Gwen
Nice pictures. AND I'm going to have to stop by the Fly Girls blog just to check out that picture. HAHAHA
Well, I think you look terrific.
Good for you - it IS so much harder as we get older. I hit 35 and I couldn't just skip lunch a few days and drop ten pounds. It sucks.
The family is cute :O)
Hmmm .. I wonder what is going on. I noticed that I had double the usual hits (not that that is a lot!) the last couple of days but only a couple of comments .. I'll go through my settings and see if I (or one of the kidlets) managed to change something .. thanks for letting me know!
I think you've got have the Steelers' roster there! No wonder you're so busy. ;)
Nice looking family.
Steelers huh?
How does that happen?
Dorky Dad, that picture is soooooo bad. I'm definitely sticking to the diet after that sucker.
And my husband has been a Steelers fan since he was a kid. Hey, at least he stuck by his team, but he's not too happy about his coach leaving.
All I can say is thank God I had a girl in the end. Drama yes, but I couldn't survive any more testosterone in my house!!!
If you didn't lose another pound you'd be just fine -- you're beautiful.
And, oh my word -- so is your daughter -- it's a good thing she has those three brother's and her dad around (or not, she may never get a date by all four of them!).
Beautiful family.
Thanks, Kim. It took me 4 to get her, but she was well worth it. And she is a cutie, but boy oh boy does she know it!!!
Kari is way to hard on herself. I've had to share a bed with her a few times (no, not like that people, we travel together) and she doesn't take up any space at all. She doesn't need to lose a single pound. She's beautiful just the way she is. My only complaint, she sleeps with the sock on and only gives me the arm when I beg.
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