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Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Countdown to NEC has Begun!!!

First and foremost....because I'm finally freaking doing it (it's only taken me four years).....I've lost 21 pounds! 10 more to go to get to my pre-daughter baby weight, but I'd settle for 5. Just had to say that, but on to what this post is about.

The Countdown to NEC has Begun!!!

Four weeks from tomorrow, the Fly Girls take on New England.

This is my fifth New England Conference. I've been to two New Jersey conferences, too. New Jersey is bigger, but New England is just as good. Granted, it holds a special place in my heart because it is my former chapter, but they really do put on a fantastic conference. And the best part is I met my agent in NJ and now she's going to NEC. Talk about a blast. Between having her there and the Fly Girls and our good friend Regina Drumm, we're going to have soooo much fun. I get to meet editors through my agent, and I don't have to pitch. And I'm putting on my first workshop ever with the Fly Girls.

So back to the countdown.

Four weeks......holy crap, FOUR weeks, people!!!

Okay, I'm still recovering from Florida and once again, soooo not ready. We had 4 feet of frozen snow in our driveway when we returned. Our driveway is 3 lanes wide! My neighbor did blow just enough out to get our car in after we begged. And my poor hubby has been chopping the snow with a metal shovel and then blowing the chunks with the snowblower for 3 days. He's on the last little section at the end of the driveway today. Just in time for the lovely freezing rain we are going to get tonight. If the kids are delayed tomorrow, I'll scream.

Can you say waaaayyyy too much freaking togetherness already!!!

Gotta love a family vacation, but after almost two weeks together and still so much to do, they need to go to school. Okay, so I need them to go to school and my hubby to go out of town;-))

So I have to figure out exactly what I'm going to say for my part of the workshop. And while I'm not pitching at the conference, my agent will be going to NY again right before the conference. I need to hurry up and finish book one of my series. My two other books have been rejected by a few editors in our round one submission, but we still haven't heard from a few. So we're waiting before targeting round two. I've made it to roundtable discussions, so I'm close, but no takers yet. They love the writing and my voice, it's just finding the right storyline for them. Or finding the right editor and house for my stories as is. It's frustrating, but that's the name of the game.

So onward and upward, and on to NEC! Weeeeeee!!!

Okay, so I'm just a little excited. Just wait until Nationals. I'm going to my first nationals in Dallas this year, and ...... drumroll here.......I get to meet Manic!!!!!!!!

There will definitely be pictures of that;)


MaNiC MoMMy™ said...

OMG! Hilarious that you've pimped me on here! Now I for sure have to go!

We're in the same boat--having to find the right house for our books! (I just had a heartbreaking/elated email from one I'll have to tell you about that involves a phone call with an editor next week to discuss non-fic options!)

MISSED YOU! Two weeks, and hey, how the hell did you manage to continue to lose weight ON VACATION! You are my idol!!!

Kari Lee Townsend said...

Yes, you have to go!! And talk Swishy into it, would ya???

OMG I have to hear about the editor call. Holy crap, that's soooo fantastic. Very cool.

And um well, I freaking ate salads all the time. I saved all my calories for alcohol!!!! Dieting sucks!!

kim said...

yeah, your back!

Congrats on the 21 lbs. -- that has to feel great.

March2theSea said...

congrats on the wt loss!!!

Gwyneth Bolton said...


I'm glad you're back. Missed ya, girlfriend! Congrats on the weight loss. Amazing you managed to keep the poounds off with all those magaritas you were drinking down there... :-) LOL.

One of these days I'm going to have to check out the New Jersey conference and the NEC. I've heard great things about both. Maybe next year.


Kari Lee Townsend said...

Thanks March and Kim. I saved all my calories for the alcohol;)))

And Gwen, you have to go next year. That would be so much fun.

Angel said...

We DO need lots of pictures of that!

Did your husband use the shield? ;)

Frannie Farmer said...

dang ... I was readin' along thinkin' ahhh how nice for her, sounds fun and then ... you SLAM us with the you get to meet Manic!!! Now I am flat out jealous of the both of you! and if Swishy goes ... that sounds like tooo much fun under one roof!
Oh and absolutely good job on the weight loss .. especially with the vacation and all! Fabulous!

xxxx said...

21 pounds?!? That is awesome! Good for you! I'd like to lose 10, too ... wouldn't we all. LOL.

Manic is IMing me about Dallas right now!

Kari Lee Townsend said...

Oh yeah, Beth, there will be pictures of that one. Wish you all could go so I could meet everyone. And yay, Swishy. Does that mean Manic is talking you into going to Dallas?????

Garrett said...

I kept want to leave a snarky comment but you are way too nice.

Damn you.

Lexi said...

Awesome news on the weight loss! Keep it up. I bet you feel better too.

Kari Lee Townsend said...

Thanks for stopping by, Garrett, and thanks for calling me nice, but trust me, I love snarky;))

Garrett said...

That's all you get from now on then.

I love your hair.

Damn it I can't do it.

Kari Lee Townsend said...

Ha!! I knew you were a softy, Garrett. I just knew it;)))